
Paco Dalmau - Werk

Paco Dalmau (ES, 1978) was our Artist in Residence from 1 May 2012 to 1 May 2013. During his residency he worked on a series of paintings in the Fractions Collection and on the process of documentation of Sapiens Collection.
In his solo exhibition in May 2013 Paco Dalmau presents Fracions Collection nr. IV en nr. V. Series IV consist of 24 paintings of 60 x 60 cm. Each of these paintings has his own and unique character. Together they form a monumental work of 125 x 775 cm, and become one peace.
Fractions Collection V consists of 6 paintings of 125 x 125 cm each, which keep more individuality, although they are connected in the spectrum of grey colors.

Han van Wel on his blog about Paco Dalmau.


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