Transition Part 1
Marga van den Meydenberg
Janine Schrijver
Mladen Suknovic
Sjoert Willemstein
The exhibition will be opened during the Charlois Art Weekend (Charlois Kunstweekend) on Saturday, 29 May at 16:00, by Hans Walgenbach, Director of the Historisch Museum Rotterdam.
The Transition Exhibition presents a photographic view of a changing borough. Four photographers from Charlois were invited to capture the transition process in pictures. The exhibition has two parts: Part 1 in 2010 and Part 2 in 2013.
To read the critic of Sandra Smets in NRC 19 June 2010, click here
Marga van den Meydenberg
Her photos are social reports of people and their daily lives.
Janine Schrijver
Uses her camera to examine the urban landscape and the organisation of the public space.
Mladen Suknovic
"Man is the measure of all things."
Protagoras or some other dude.
Sjoert Willemstein
Is fascinated by movement and is convinced that neither life nor matter stands still.