
Nothing can be seen that is neither illuminated nor colored

Nothing can be seen that is neither illuminated nor colored

Nothing can be seen that is neither illuminated nor colored

Nina Boas, Marco Douma, Driessens & Van den Baar, Barbara Helmer, Rolina Nell en Astrid de Pauw

8 november tot en met 22 december 2013
Opening 8 november om 19.00 uur

De kunstenaars in deze groepstentoonstelling tonen werken waarin de toepassing van licht en kleur voor het ontstaan van beeld een rol speelt.
The artists in this group exhibition show works in which the use of light and color for the emergence of image plays a role.

Lees het Blog van Mart van Ineveld op Blikvangen over deze tentoonstelling.


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Nothing can be seen that is neither illuminated nor colored Nothing can be seen that is neither illuminated nor colored Nothing can be seen that is neither illuminated nor colored Nothing can be seen that is neither illuminated nor colored
